You might think you need a large space to grow potatoes, with well (and deeply) rotatilled ground. If so, think again! You can actually grow potatoes in a container…garbage can, a burlap bag, a raised bed, a box…even a laundry basket….or try several different ideas and see which works best for you. (I’ve grown them in used chicken feed bags, and that’s worked great!)
First, you need a container to plant your potatoes in. You can grow potatoes in just about anything–garbage cans, laundry baskets, buckets, even chicken feed containers! Drill or slice drainage holes all over the container (not just the bottom). Fill with soil and compost. Plant your potatoes (eye side up, cut side down).
Once the plants on top start to die (late summer), you can harvest your potatoes. Simply dump your bucket/bag/basket over and spill your harvest out on the ground. Pick through and gather all your potatoes….it’s simple. No digging and tilling required.

If you have more space, you might want to consider growing your potatoes on top of a thick layer of newspaper and under a layer of straw. This method is just as easy, but there’s one small advantage: your potatoes will grow above ground (not in dirt) so they won’t be dirty when you harvest them!
To grow potatoes in straw, all you need is some newspaper, some water, some straw and some potato starts.
First, lay down a thick layer of wet newspaper where you want to grow your potatoes. Add your potato starts. Cover with a layer of straw. Add straw throughout the growing season, as the plants grow larger. Water as normal.
At the end of the season, when it’s time to harvest your potatoes, just uncover them and pick them off the newspaper. The potato plants will have grown down into the dirt (the roots) but the potatoes themselves will stay above ground for super easy harvesting!