It’s been two weeks since the baby chicks were born. It’s incredible to watch how quickly they grow and change. The process never gets old.
Here they are at two days old. Awww. How cute. I love baby chicks!

A week later, they’re already getting bigger and getting feathers (mostly on their wings).

Now, two weeks later, Harriet took the babes out for their first chicken scratching and dirt bathing time. Without hardly any effort at all, she managed to shoo the other hens into a corner of the chicken run. I have to say, it looked pretty ridiculous to have 7 hens clustered in a tiny corner of the run while Harriet and the babies had the other 90% to themselves.

They scratched for grains and bugs and God only knows what (I don’t want to know). And then, Harriet huddled them in a corner to instruct them about dirt baths. It looked like they were listening intently. And before I knew it, they were all trying it out themselves. Ahhh. Dirt. Gotta love it. I know a lot of kids that would think this is the best way to bathe, too.

Chick-hood is over way too quickly. Soon we’ll be moving into the gangly, awkward looking, feather growing time. It’s all still fun, though. I love chickens!