Although I love the fall, I grieve the passing of summer with it’s long days and warm temperatures. I love sitting out in the yard, being entertained by the chickens during recess. And picking plump, sun-warmed tomatoes off the vines and popping them in my mouth and picking a few extra to feed to the girls.
Ahhh, summer how I love thee.
Today, with overcast skies and trees beginning to show off their colorful fall attaire, I thought I’d share a few summer pictures, reminders of the wonderful times we’ve had.
We started with babies…what fun!
Youngsters sunning themselves:
Saying good bye to the first batch of roos:
On coop cleaning detail:
Bath Time:
The Amazing Leaping Olivia…high in a tree (funny story side note here: Janessa (age 7) came rushing into house one day, “Olivia’s a rooster! Olivia’s a rooster!” I asked her why she thought that and she said, “She flew high up into the tree! She’s a rooster!” ha)
Chicken Confessional:
Communal Bath Time:
Chicken art:
Chickens in Compost Bins (while I’m trying to empty them):
Happy Girl, Happy Chickens:
GOOD BYE SUMMER! We’re going to miss you!