The way to ‘bathe’ chicken-style is by rolling in the dirt.
If only children could be so lucky. They’d think they were in heaven if it were

Chickens love a good dust bath. And believe it or not, it does help them get ‘clean’…it gets rid of nasty bugs that might have taken up residence on them. The dust suffocates the parasites and cleans the chicken’s body of oil and skin flakes, etc. that the bugs feast on.
Another important thing a dust bath does is that it helps chickens cool off in the hot summer months. Think of it as a box fan, in the most rustic of ways.
For a proper dust bath, one must have a good place to bathe. If chickens are confined all or most of the time, adding some loose dirt or even a box of sand to their run will make a nice place for a dust bath. The chicken will hollow out a body-sized hole in the dirt and roll around in it, flinging dirt onto themselves. When finished, they’ll get up, fluff their
feathers and shake the excess dirt out.
If you’ve never seen a chicken dust bath, or aren’t aware of them, don’t worry when it finally happens. The chickens aren’t dying. They’re just enjoying a nice little bath. It’s normal, healthy chicken behavior. And it makes them happy.
A word of warning to chicken owners who love keeping their gardens and flower beds looking perfect: A chicken might see that lovely, loosened dirt and think BATH TIME! Proactive fencing could go a long way in keeping both chicken owner and chickens in good spirits.