Raising chickens is a rewarding and fairly easy way to start producing some of your own food. You can adjust the size of your flock to fit with your space limitations and the needs of your family. You don’t have to live in the country to raise chickens, either. Many cities will allow hens (but generally not roosters), and it doesn’t take very much space for a small flock.
While chickens do have specific needs and flourish in environments where they are well cared for, their care is certainly less time-consuming than a dog or cat. Once you have their housing set up (a chicken coop and a chicken run), they’re also pretty inexpensive to keep. And they produce fresh, healthy eggs in a variety of colors (not just the standard white or brown found in the store).
If you’re not sure about raising chickens of your own, here’s more than twenty benefits to starting your own flock (and it’s not an exhaustive list)!
Before you rush out to buy some chickens, however, find out if you can even HAVE chickens where you live (this is especially true if you live in the city or in an HOA, etc.). Check your local ordinances to find out.
Next, think about the kinds of chickens you might want. There are over 200 different breeds of chickens and they all have different characteristics.
- Do you mainly want hens for eggs? Some are better layers than others.
- Do you care about the colors of the eggs that are laid? Blue, green, dark chocolate, pink, white, tan, cream…etc.
- Do you live in a warm or cold area? Some breeds are breed specifically for warmer or colder climates.
- Do you want chickens that are good with children? While every chicken is its own ‘person’ so to speak, many breeds are known for their docile personalities.
Would you like your hens to hatch their own eggs anytime (with fertilized eggs)? If so, get a breed that is known to go ‘broody’.
Check out the best breeds of chickens for your family’s needs.
How to build or buy a chicken coop (and how much space your chickens will need)
What to feed your new flock
How to raise baby chicks
How to keep your flock healthy and happy
What your hens should and should not eat
And much, much more….
As an urban chicken owner, I’ve got lots of first hand experience and will help you get started.
If you’ve already taken the plunge into chicken ownership, City Girl Chickens will help you grow in your knowledge and understanding of chickens and chicken keeping as well as give you opportunity to share your own stories and photos as well as questions.
Take your time and look around. Enjoy your stay.